How we approach the SHSAT:

 All the lessons are private and are tailored to each child’s particular strengths and weaknesses. To start, every child takes a math assessment and a grammar/paragraph editing assessment. The math assessment covers the math that needs to be known before tackling SHSAT-level math problems. Based on the questions the children get wrong on the assessment, we teach them what they need to know. We first teach the math, and then the grammar and paragraph editing skills. I have units prepared for all the topics kids need to know for the SHSAT. The kids work through the units with their tutors and are assigned homework to practice the skills. (We focus on teaching the content of the test before we work on strategies.)

Once the kids have learned the math and grammar topics they need to learn, we teach reading comprehension points specific to the SHSAT and then begin administering practice tests. The kids complete one “real” test for homework untimed. We then work on teaching them how to do the problems they got wrong in that test. (Math tends to be the area where kids need the most work. There is a lot of math content on the SHSAT that kids have not yet learned in school.) Once that first “real” test review is completed, kids are ready to take numerous practice tests. We go over all the tests with them, focusing on what they got wrong and what they need to learn, as well as strategies for maximizing their use of time. I have numerous SHSAT tests that kids can take under timed conditions.

 I know choosing whom to work with is an important decision, so I want to let you know I have years of experience with the SHSAT. To date, almost all of my students have been accepted to a specialized high school. Most of those students (including my own two sons) have scored for either Stuyvesant, Bronx Science or Brooklyn Tech. Not all of the ones who scored for Stuyvesant went there. Some put smaller schools like the High School for Math, Science and Engineering or the School of American Studies as first choice even though they made the Stuyvesant cutoff. Of course, I cannot guarantee that success for any child, but we do a great job prepping. The rest is up to the individual student.

All lessons are one hour long.

 Children’s success is the best proof of effectiveness. With that in mind, here are a few comments from families we have worked with:

 Family #1:

Eve is flourishing at Stuyvesant and I wanted to take a minute to write you a note to tell you how grateful I am for all that you did for us. I feel that, not only did Eve get into Stuy because of the weekly lessons with you, but through the lessons she learned study habits that are contributing to her success now at Stuyvesant. She is vice president of the freshman caucus, on multiple sports teams and is maintaining a high "A" average in all her classes.

Thank you so much for the time and effort you devoted to helping Eve. Your efforts, guidance and judgement went a long way toward directing Eve's future to a high achieving academic one.

All my best,

Jen Wening

 Family #2:

Stevie got into both of his first-choice high schools! I wanted to thank you for holding our hands and guiding us through this arduous process. All of your tutors were tremendous. I can't imagine going through this without you and your team. So glad to know that for our younger son, I will be able to knock on the right door, namely yours. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

With love and appreciation. 

Susi Nichol

 Family #3:

Today is Elliot’s last day of test prep and we need to tell you how incredible you both have been to our son! Elliot’s tutor was a true gift! She brought out the best in our Elliot through strong academic and emotional support. No matter the test result we are winners already!! Irene, we are so grateful for how your assessments and constant available support has made this a very smooth process. You even hand held my fears. Thank you for everything!!

Karen Sylvester

 Family #4:

I hope this finds you both safe and healthy in these uncertain times. I wanted to let you know that (my daughter) was able to secure a seat to Bronx Science! We were very happy that she was able to do so well on the test and get this offer. The number of students at her (very rigorous) school receiving specialized HS offers was down significantly this year (27 Bronx Science offers this year vs 60 last year, for example), which makes us even more grateful that her preparation for the SHSAT paid off. Irene, thank you for pairing Lucy with Natasha--she was a great tutor. And thank you Natasha, for your work with (our daughter) ! I know she enjoyed working with you, which made all the difference when it came to getting her to put in the time to do the work to prepare for the test. Thanks again and I wish you both all the best.