Once kids have learned their early phonics rules and know what syllables are, they can read the following books:
The “Dick and Jane” series. These books are great for beginning readers because they combine the most frequently used early sight words with early phonics rules. I always start kids out with “Go, Go, Go.” If you want to get more Dick and Jane books, start with those that are Level 1.
Mercer Mayer’s “Little Critter” series. My favorite is “Just Me and My Puppy.” I always use it after kids have learned the sound y makes at the end of a word. Then I have kids read the whole series.
The “Mr. Putter & Tabby” series by Cynthia Rylant. If you don’t want a whole set, I recommend getting the following titles:
The “Little Bear” series by Else Minarik. Start with the book called “Little Bear." It contains 4 little stories. Once kids can read the first story (called "What Will Little Bear Wear?") I no longer consider them beginning readers. We always celebrate because they are now "really" reading and can go on to read many other stories.
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